www.stablegeartack.com Stablegear Tack 18833 Hwy V V Wentworth, MO 64873
417-476-2505 business cell nancy@stablegear.com nancy@stablegear.com 
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www.stablegeartack.com > Headgear (Bridles, Halters, & Accessories) > Collars (Equine) |

Horse Collars for Tying with Hook & Loop Breakaway
Reflective or Plain Beta horse collars handy for hi ties, grooming, etc. These feature a hook and loop breakaway, dee for ID tag, and ring to clip lead. Stainless Steel Hardware. Standard halter or roller buckles optional.
Reflective Beta BioThane available in Orange, Red, Yellow, Neon Green, Royal Blue, Violet. 1 inch or 3/4.
Limited in stock, typically made to order.

Horse Collars for Tying with Sliding Loop
Reflective or Plain Beta horse collars handy for hi ties, grooming, etc. These 2 stitched in rings plus a sliding loop & ring to tie to or clip lead. Stainless Steel Hardware. Roller buckle standard. Leather Breakaway is optional.
Reflective Beta BioThane available in Orange, Red, Yellow, Neon Green, Royal Blue, Violet. 1 inch or 3/4"
Limited number in stock, typically made to order.