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  > Electrolytes And Syringes > Pro Lyte Electrolyte Pellets


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Pro Lyte Electrolyte Pellets

Pro-Lyte Pellets provide highly concentrated, low sugar electrolyte for everyday use. Add to feed or water for fast results to maintain the balance and flow of vital body fluids and the healthy function of the muscles and circulatory system. Palatable apple-flavored source of Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, and Magnesium for use pre- and post-event

Price: $24.95  Sale Price: $15.00  You Save: $9.95 (40%)

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Feed at the rate of 80 g (2 scoops daily) 1 scoop = 40 g (included)

Pro-Lyte Pellets help replace electrolytes and fluids lost in sweat for animals under stress from summer heat, hard work, training or physical activity. A highly concentrated, low-sugar electrolyte formula, Pro-Lyte helps maintain fluid balance on an everyday basis.
This full spectrum formula can also be used during periods of warm weather, heavy training, or to support healthy hydration and mineral levels to support healthy metabolic function, electrolyte balance, and hydration.

Not all horses take in their complete salt requirements from a free-choice salt block. Pro-Lyte supplies the Sodium Chloride your horse needs in addition to the other electrolyte minerals that are lost in sweat; Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, and Magnesium.
Added to dry feed or water, palatable Pro-Lyte will also encourage your horse to drink more water to rebalance fluids and ensure the proper digestion of feed. This electrolyte formula will be effective if given up to four hours prior to an event (e.g. endurance), and can be given with meals or water after exercise.

The electrolytes in Pro-Lyte promote mineral balance to help support energy production and healthy muscle function. Maintaining electrolyte concentration plays a major role in keeping the body properly hydrated. When horses sweat, they lose Sodium at twice the rate of Potassium, and Chloride at twice the rate of Sodium. Since forages provide generous amounts of Potassium, the Pro-Lyte formula concentrates on the Sodium and Chloride needs the horse’s diet does not provide, along with Magnesium.

Pro Lyte Pellets 5.3# Bag

Pro Lyte Pellets 5.3# Bag

Pro Lyte Pellets Ingredient Label

Pro Lyte Pellets Ingredient Label


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