Crupper Beta or BioThane® Stablegear Cruppers are made to order from Beta BioThane® or Hi Flex BioThane®. Crupper can have a tailpiece that is PVC padding covered, Black Vinyl Tubing, or seed stuffed leather. The padded tails will not have buckles, snaps to ring only. (Do not select snap to ring option if you choose padded tail.) The others have buckle adjustments at the tail. A snap to the ring may be added. I have most colors of Beta BioThane® and BioThane® in stock.
Stablegear Cruppers are made to order from Beta BioThane® or Hi Flex BioThane®. Crupper can have a tailpiece that is PVC padding covered, Black Vinyl Tubing, or seed stuffed leather. The padded tails will not have buckles, snaps to ring only. (Do not select snap to ring option if you choose padded tail.) The others have buckle adjustments at the tail. A snap to the ring may be added. I have most colors of Beta BioThane® and BioThane® in stock.
The main strap is adjustable to fit a wide range of horses. If you have an exceptionally short or long backed horse measure from the top of your horses tail to the center ring on your saddle to find the exact length you need. Make a note of this in the checkout info and I'll be sure to send one that fits. If you don't have a center back ring I can make a special crupper with double straps or a strap with a snap on each end and a ring in the middle. Cruppers help hold your saddle in place when going down hills. Even a saddle that fits can put pressure on the withers or allow the saddle to slide too far back on steep hills.Beta BioThane® is a soft, supple PVC coated webbing with a leather grain embossing. Beta & BioThane® coated webbing does not absorb sweat can can be hosed off of dunked in a bucket of soapy water to clean. No oiling necessary.
Crupper with leather tail piece and Optional snap to center ring
Crupper with waffle neoprene padding over beta under tail
Crupper main strap conway adjustment snap to center saddle ring
Orange Crupper Leather Tail
Shaped vinyl crupper tail
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